My Experience Coding Devnotes

Last edit: Oct 30th, 2024

On my journey to become a full-stack developer, after learning the basics i found myself wanting to dive deep into full-stack development and create an app that has an appealing and easily understandable front-end with a back-end.

I had been making my apps in NEXT.JS up to this point and after researching i set out to create a Blogging App, and my initial tech stack was:

  • Next.JS
  • Server Actions
  • Clerk Authentication
  • PostgresSQL
  • Prisma
  • ShadCN/ui

I originally had my PostgresSQL stored with Vercel but after some research i found that it was not the best option for me as i wanted to have more control over my database and i wanted to be able to easily migrate my database if i needed to. It also made more sense to me to have my users and my data stored in one place so i eventually rewrote all my authentication code to use Supabase.